I can’t believe another year has just started, just about two weeks ago I was planning my Christmas outfit and now here I am sitting in my recently Feng Shued studio “planning” the entire 2018. I suppose with 365 357 days of new opportunities the future looks bright ;).
Seriously, I hope you had a nice holiday, this year I decided to not cook at all, so the entire clan of Scottish tribe… OK just Alan and my mom&dad-in-laws, went to celebrate Christmas in the local restaurant, where food was traditional and staff super-friendly.
Traditionally, I use Christmas break to set my New Year’s intentions but this year I am giving it a miss… although if I think about it, even the intention of not having the resolution is a resolution in itself, so this year, if I must have one resolution it’s about becoming more intuitive in my needs and desires.
2017 has been emotionally testing year for me, but it was also a very beautiful year. I was reminded how important it is to make friends with my mind, heart, and body.
Looking back, most of my life, the decisions I made that really defined a certain path for myself were the moments when I trusted to my inner voice freely and without judgments, regardless of the circumstances. So this year I am reminding myself to seek only for the inner guidance in all areas of my life. I know it’s the right one because even the idea of it sounds fun!
Whatever your resolutions this year, I wish you to have a wonderful 2018 and your #bestyear ever!
Happy New Year!
With love